Thursday, November 20, 2014

Drawing On Objects


       I chose to express my own and others’ experiences and stereotypes associated with being an art student through text and image on existing pieces of art, drawing from Wayne White’s word paintings. Most of my time is spent immersed in art projects and while text based pieces are tedious, they are direct and appealing, especially when supplemented with provoking images. While I had originally intended to use more obscene pornographic images, I decided on more subdued graphics so that the text wasn't overpowered—even so, I made it a point to portray the sarcasm and frustration associated with being an art student dealing with otherwise uncommon assumptions and issues. I used paint marker, acrylics, and cut outs on art prints and mirror.

 "But I thought art was subjective..."

"Did I get it right this time I added depth and sensitive line and shit"

 "So... Do I get my degree now, or..."

"My parents are not thrilled"

 "So, like... What are you gonna do when you graduate... Like... for money.."

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Drawing in Space

My drawing in space explores the artistic nature of "inappropriate" words through manipulation of presentation. The harsh nature of the words I've chosen is diminished when presented in script and repeated over and over through the words themselves and the shadows they create on the walls. I'm inclined to depict and draw attention to the obscene, and choose to do so in a way that can be appreciated as art through the use of a softer font, materials, colors, or use of repetition instead of relying on shock factor itself as a point of interest.
I used embroidery thread on heavy duty packing tape and sealed it with tape, then cut them down to be uniform in size.